Understand the Significance of Lord Krishna’s Pastimes – Day 7 Manchester Katha

A fruit contains juice. The fruit and juice are one despite being separate. Shrimad Bhagavat is a juicy fruit but has no skin or seeds. Thus, there is nothing worth throwing in it. Everything is worth accepting. Shrimad Bhagavat is the essence of Vedas and Upanishads. Vedas and Upanishads are difficult to digest but Shrimad Bhagavat is digestible. This fruit is high up on a tree. Shukdevji is the parrot who will sit on the branch of the tree, peck this fruit and make it sweeter. What should we do with this fruit? Drink it. Drink this fruit because it only contains juice in a solidified form. This fruit is to be drunk by the ears rather than the mouth.

Many people question on the evidence on whether Lord Krishna’s pastimes have truly been done in the places shown by the people of Vraj. However, two places undoubtedly require no evidence. These are: Yamunaji and Shri Goverdhan. Yamunaji and Shri Goverdhan are the forms of Shri Krishna’s love in a liquid and solid form respectively. Similarly, Shri Krishna in solid form is Shrimad Bhagavat.

Celebrations of the birth of Lord Krishna are taking place in Vraj. God has manifested. One who is eternal manifests. The difference between us and God is that we are born due to our deeds or destiny. The type of body, parents and the place we will take birth are chosen from our deeds. We cannot make a choice. On the other hand, God incarnates due to compassion. He selects the body He wants, His parents and the place.

Incarnation is when the great God becomes ordinary so that we can see, touch, listen to and feel Him. He takes the form a devotee desires out of love.

Pujya Bhaishri then explained Brahma, Ishwar and Bhagavan in descending order. Brahma is the Supreme Reality that is formless and without qualities. It is present everywhere and all the time. When Brahma accepts the three modes of nature of goodness, passion and inertia through its supreme power, it descends as Ishwar. The Lord of the nature of goodness is Vishnu and he sustains the universe with this quality. The Lord of the mode of passion is Brahmā and he creates with this quality. The Lord of the mode of inertia is Mahesh and he destroys with this quality. Thus Brahmā is the Generator, Vishnu the Operator and Shiv is the Destroyer forming the word GOD. When Ishwar incarnates, He is known as Bhagavan. Hence we see the 24 incarnations of God in Shrimad Bhagavat.

There are FIVE vital principles of Sanatan Dharma that make its identity.

  1. Yagya – no other religion has Yagyas. There are five types of Yagyas: Deva Yagya, Pitru Yagya, Bhut Yagya, Manushya Yagya and Brahma Yagya.
  2. 16 Sanskars (sacraments).
  3. Caste system – This forms the Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras which are split according to their qualities and actions. One will be successful if the actions are according to the quality. These qualities will be seen in all people in the world. These four castes also make the body: Brahmins are the head, Kshatriyas are the arms, Vaishyas are the thighs and Shudras are the feet. Do our body parts fight with one another? Then why the enmity among the castes? When the foot is hurt, the brain cannot sleep. Similarly, when the labourers are in trouble, if the Brahmins and Kshatriyas worry and work towards a solution for them, it will lead to the individual’s, society’s and country’s welfare.
  4. Puruṣārtha – Four aims of human life which are Dharma, wealth, desires and liberation. Dharma is dominant in Shudras. Their duties make their Dharma. Dharma is not just for discussion but to be practiced. Vaishyas create wealth hence they are in fields such as Agriculture, business etc. Kshatriyas have an intense desire to rule, protect the country and continuously lead to its progress. Satisfaction kills the king whilst greed kills a Brahmin. Brahmins lives for liberation.
  5. Re-incarnation – One who is born is born again and one who dies, dies again. Even God takes many incarnations when it is necessary. The beauty of Sanatan Dharma is that there is nothing like the last incarnation. Pujya Bhaishri then explained the theory of incarnation in evolution.

Yagya is the decentralisation of wealth with affection by the prosperous. It is not just sacrifice. Giving makes wealth pure. Giving is living. Receive to give. Wealth must not become tainted by earning immorally. Be a Yogi. How can one be a Yogi? By being useful. Be useful till the end of life else you will be thrown.

Pujya Bhaishri then explained the significance of some of the pastimes of Lord Krishna. Putna (ignorance) was inspired and sent by Kansa (affection for the body) to kill Krishna. She had spread poison on her. This poison is material enjoyments. Where there is ignorance, attachment to material enjoyment remains and this kills. Lord Krishna killed and liberated Putna (ignorance) to prevent the birth of other demoniac traits.

To understand the significance of these stories, one must take refuge in spiritual leaders. Shri Krishna does not kill anyone. No one is responsible for killing one or making one live. Your own deeds are. Similarly, the giver of sorrows and happiness is your own deeds.

In the story of Shaktasur, Lord Krishna was left under the cart while Yashoda was busy in the celebrations. Everyone gathered for God but forgot God. Once one is strongly attached to sensual pleasures, stubbornness develops and only the material world seems real. God destroys this stubbornness like he liberated Shaktasur. However, this is only possible, once ignorance ends. Otherwise God’s work will be in God’s name rather than for God.

The demon Trunavarta, liberated by Lord Krishna, was in the form of a whirlwind. Pujya Bhaishri explained that Yoga and the various breathing techniques in them are not just for good health. Good heath is required to serve God. Bliss is in this service.

Through the pastime of Lord Krishna showing the entire universe in His mouth to Maa Yashoda when He was drinking too much milk, Lord Krishna conveyed the message that Maa Yashoda is feeding and satisfying the entire universe through Lord Krishna. Please God and the entire universe will be pleased.

Thereafter, Pujya Bhaishri narrated the naming ceremony of Balram and Shri Krishna through Rishi Gargacharya. When we go far from God and get attached to the material world, he cries because he has incarnated to give us happiness. He loves us so He does not want us to forget Him. Therefore, He will do some act to remind us of Him.

Build any relationship with God that you prefer. The only true relationship in life is that with God. Accept this relationship and love will develop. However hard you try, you cannot attain the world and you cannot lose God. Chant God’s name. This is for our wellbeing.

The Katha ended on day 7 with the joyous wedding of Shri Krishna with Shri Rukminiji.

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