When doing jap or mala, how many times must one repeat the mantra before any results are seen? Should one chant the mantra at any particular speed or position? Why must we keep the mala in a pouch, gaumukhi? Can it be exposed?

Mantra recitation is very important.  Lord Krishna himself has emphasised this fact by saying:

Yagyānām Japyagyosmi – Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, 10:25

Of all the Yagyas, I am the Japyagya

Mantrajāp mam dradha biswāsā, Pancham bhajan so beda prakāsā – Shri Ramcharitmanas, Aranyakānd, 36:1

Lord Ram describes mantra recitation, done with unflinching faith, as the fifth form of devotion whilst preaching Maa Shabri about the nine forms of devotion in Shri Ramcharitmanas”.

Mantra is that which protects us by virtue of it being contemplated upon.  Just as the water, which naturally flows downward can be carried upwards with the help of a mechanical device, our mind which easily deviates to the wrong path, can be spiritually uplifted with the help of a mantra.

Certain things are necessary to ensure the effective chanting of a mantra:

  1. The mantra should be prescribed in the scriptures, not self-made.
  2. One has to be initiated into its chanting by a divine seer who has imbibed the mantra’s spiritual power.
  3. One has to clearly comprehend the meaning, power, and significance of the mantra. Only then will it take effect.
  4. One should chant the mantra as ordained by the Guru. The time, discipline and number of malas should be as per your Guru’s guidance.  You should do the chanting with unflinching faith in your Guru and Gurumantra. If the mantra is chanted with doubts in the mind, the power of the mantra is lost.
  5. The chanting should be done peacefully meditating upon the true meaning of the mantra and the God being appeased. Repeating the mantra too fast destroys its potency.
  6. The mala should be held in the prescribed way, and never touch the ground. If the jap is being done in the morning, the mala should be kept at the level of the navel.  In the afternoon, the mala should be held close to the chest.  In the evening, the mala should be kept at nose level.
  7. The mala should not be left uncovered, but stored in a pouch, gaumukhi or a clean pure cloth. When 108 chants are completed, the mendicant should not cross the Sumeru, or the large first bead of the mala, but go in the reverse direction after bringing the Sumeru reverentially to the eyes.

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