Lord Shiva, the topmost Vaishnava

What makes Lord Shiva’s grace vital to attain the grace of ShriHari?The Śrimad Bhāgavata Mahāpurāṇa, which is a devotional Vaiṣnava scripture, definitively states that the topmost devotee of Lord Viṣṇu is none other than Lord Śivanimna-gānāṁ yathā gaṅgādevānām acyuto yathāvaiṣṇavānāṁ yathā śambhuḥpurāṇānām idam tathāSB 12.13.16Just as the Gaṅgā is the greatest of all rivers, Lord…
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Mahaprabhu ShriVallabhacharya Jayanti

The Advent of the Founder of the ‘Path of Grace’We celebrate the advent of Māhāprabhu ShrīVallabhācharya, the founding guide of ‘Puṣṭi Mārga’, the Path of Grace, who was a proponent of the school of philosophy known as ‘Shuddhadvaita’.Acharya’s GraceMahaprabhuji compassionately sorted embodied souls into three categories and placed the pure bliss-incarnate absolute Lord (Pushti Prabhu)…
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Sandipani Covid Relief efforts continue with Pujya Bhaishri’s Inspiration

કોવિડ મહામારીમાં પોરબંદર ખાતે પૂજ્ય ભાઇશ્રી દ્વારા માનવસેવા માટે ખુબજ અગત્યની જાહેરાત કરવામાં આવી.વર્તમાન સમયમાં કોરોના મહામારીની બીજી લહેર જ્યારે પોતાના નવા સ્વરૂપ સાથે વિશ્વના અનેક દેશોને પ્રભાવિત કરી રહી છે ત્યારે ભારતમાં ગુજરાત સહિત અનેક રાજ્યોમાં પણ એની વ્યાપક અસર જોવા મળી રહી છે. આ મહામારીના સમયમાં પોરબંદર ખાતે શરૂઆતી જ રાષ્ટ્રીય સંત પૂજ્ય…
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Significance of Holi Utsav

Decoding ‘Holi Utsav’:Significance of the sacred bonfire and divine color Festival;Three facets of the Fire & Pujya Bhaishri’s Sandesh Hutāśṇī – Prior to consuming the first crop, this sacred offering to the Fire God is a mark of gratitude to all elements. The Fire God plays the role of ‘couriering’ offerings and nourishment to to all divine energies (Devatā) and in this…
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Man’s Quest for Lasting Happiness

An International-Day-of-Happiness Special | March 20, 2021‘Happiness. Bliss. Peace. The burning desire for these is certainly Universal, yet the earnest ‘quest’ for these often appears to be in vain. When the Lord is described to be an infinite storehouse of happiness and an ocean of bliss, and if all living beings are a part of the Supreme…
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Krishna’s Boon to Sarasvati—The Reason why we Worship the Goddess of Learning on Vasant Panchami

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On Tuesday, 16th February, 2021, ShriHari Mandir (Porbandar) is celebrating Vasant Panchamī (also known as ‘Māgha Śukla Panchamī’). ShriHari Mandir is situated within the vidyātīrtha (seat of education) that is Sandipani Vidyaniketan—established by Pujya Bhaishri in the famous port city of Porbandar, Gujarat.When the Sun enters into the house of Pisces (Mīna Rāśī), Spring Season…
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Sundarkand—Strength in Adversity

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‘Swagatam Shri Ram Katha’ Sundarkand Paath 6/6 by Sandipani Vidyaniketan and Sanskruti Foundation UK, recited by Rishi Shri Shyambhai Thakar.As part of the ‘Swagatam Shri Ram Katha’ (February 13th-21st, 2021), the sixth of six devotional chantings to invoke the Grace of the Lord, concluded on Saturday, February 6th, 2021, with devotees from around the world…
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Swagatam Shri Ram Katha

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प्रथम सुन्दरकाण्ड पाठ एवं पूज्य भाईश्री द्वारा ईसा के नए वर्ष का संदेश – दि.०१/०१/२०२१, शुक्रवारश्रीहरि मंदिरके १५वे पाटोत्सव अंतर्गत आयोजित तीनों ताप को हरनेवाली शशीकिरन समाना श्री रामकथा में श्री हनुमानजी महाराज का आवाहन करने की भावना से श्री रामकथा के पूर्व छह सुन्दरकाण्ड पाठ का आयोजन हुआ है । सान्दीपनि के ऋषियों द्वारा होनेवाले…
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Don’t be an Incomplete Devotee—Hanuman Awakens Active Devotion!

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Sundarkand Paath 5/6 by Sandipani Vidyaniketan and Sandipani Pacific Parivar—recited by Rishi Shri Chetanbhai Sharma.As part of the ‘Swagatam Shri Ram Katha’ (February 13th-21st, 2021) the fifth of six devotional activities to invoke the Grace of the Lord, was graced by a Sandesh by Pujya Bhaishri, which described the activation of ‘Kruti Bhakti’—chanting God’s Name…
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At-A-Glance: ShriHari Mandir Patotsav

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2019 🌻 The auspicious day which marks the start of the spring season is called ‘Vasanta Pañcamī’. This day in the lunar calendar falls on ‘Māgha Śukla Pañcamī’, which is the fifth day of the bright fortnight in the lunar month of Māgha. #FunFact– This day is also dedicated to the worship of Mā Sarasvatī, the…
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