There are numerous slaughterhouses for butchering of cows and its progenies in our country. What can we youngsters do to stop cow slaughter?

It is a painful blot on India’s name that the cow and its progenies are being slaughtered in our country. When Bapu (Mahatma Gandhi) was fighting for freedom, he had a vision, that a law would be legislated in independent India, banning the slaughter of cow and its progenies. But even after celebrating the golden…

The present atmosphere taking shape in India and the type of leadership provided by our leaders today, results in slowly eroding the spirit of patriotism and national progress. To change this situation what can be done by our countrymen and especially by the teachers and the learned people?

In Democracy it is essential for the people to know both their rights as well as their duties. Today everyone is fighting and waging battles for their rights, but no one is giving a thought to their duty towards the nation. In the age of royalty, it is said that as is the king, so…

What is Yoga?

The word Yoga has been derived from the Sanskrit verb ‘Yuja‘. It means: unity with the Supreme Being; to be engrossed in the Supreme Truth. The practice of Yoga that a Yogi performs reaches God and the Yogi becomes one with God.  The form of Yoga you believe in depends on which path you chose and want to travel on: Path of…