Garland of Talks – a Thousand Names of the Lord

The first day of the eleven-day ‘Śrī Viṣṇusahasranāma Stotram’ lecture series commenced with Pujya Bhaishri describing the unique significance of this powerful collection of the Lord’s Names, both within the Māhābhārata and within the life journey of Bhagavāna Adi Śhankarcārya.This ‘Garland of Talks’ shall be based primarily upon the commentary and interpretations of the numerous names in…
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Dhānyakoot Distribution commences at Sandipani Vidyaniketan

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On the auspicious day of the New Year (celebrated on 15th November 2020 at ShriHari Mandir), various grains were offered to Lord ShriHari as a grain festival called ‘Dhānyakoot’. As per Pujya Bhaishri’s divine inspiration in these difficult times, the Lord’s prasāda is then systematically distributed to ensure that all are able to benefit from…
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Coronavirus Relief Fund, Standing in Solidarity

Under the inspiration of Pujya Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza, Sandipani Vidyaniketan contributed Rs. 1,100,000 to the Gujarat Chief Minister Relief Fund in the fight to Coronavirus, COVID-19. The cheque was given by the Managing Trustee of Sandipani, Shri Madhusudan Mehta, to the Porbandar District Collector, D.N. Modi. In addition, The Sandipani Rishikumars have so far distributed…
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Pujya Bhaishri expresses gratitude on India curfew day । पूज्य भाईश्री ने करतलध्वनि एवं मन्त्रोच्चार से कृतज्ञता व्यक्त की

Pujya Bhaishri expresses their gratitude to healthcare workers and Government in fight against Coronavirus on the curfew day in India on 23rd March 2020. Pujya Bhaishri also performs a prayer to Shri Hari that the entire world is freed from this pandemic. पूज्य भाईश्री एवं ऋषिकुमारों ने कोरोना वायरस से लडने के लिए मेडिकल स्टाफ…
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Republic Day celebrations across Sandipani Vidyaniketan

Pujya Bhaishri, trustees, principal’s of the various educational institutions and students celebrated India’s 71st Republic Day with gusto on 26 January 2020. Following below Pujya Bhaishri, the Trustees of Sandipani Sanskrit Pathshala, the Sandipani Gurukul Principal, all staff & students present in this celebration The students presented speechs in Sanskrit, Gujarati and English; along with…
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36th Annual Function at Babadeshwar Sanskrit Mahavidyalay

The 36th Annual function of Sandipani Vidyaniketan was celebrated in various ways by Sandipani Rishikul (known as Babadeshwar Sanskrit Mahavidyalay). All Rishikumars participated in various competitions including sports, athletics and academics. Competitions The annual functions begun with the academic competitions. These included Sanskrit elocution, scripture, Sanskrit debates, essay writing, mental recitation from scriptures, Rudrāṣtadhyāyi from…
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Sandipani Rishikul Wins State-level Sanskrit Rashtriya Competition 2019

The Sanskrit Pathshala Mandal from Gujarat State organise competitions on scriptures based in Sanskrit every year. Sanskrit language as well as the education on the disciplines in Sanskrit are taught by many schools in order to protect our values. This year, the 31st state level competition was organised by the Gujarat Government and Gujarat Sanskrit…
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Creative Exhibitions by Sandipani Gurukul

Sandipani Gurukul (the English and Gujarati medium branches) organised a Maths, Science and Environment exhibition on 3rd September 2019 at Sandipani. Present in the opening event were Shri Rasikbhai Makwana, Shri Manishbhai Jilariya, Coach of Sports School, the Principal of Gurukul and teachers. Pujya Bhaishri was also present in the exhibition this year. Pujya Bhaishri…
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