ShriGuruKarshni Panchkroshi Kashi Parikrama 2023

ShriGuruKarshni Panchkroshi Kashi Parikrama 2023Important Milestones and notable Mandirs enrouteShriGuruKarshni Panchkroshi Kashi Parikrama – (Feb 8-14th, 2023) 1st Milestone : Kardameśvara Mahādeva Mandira (Kandvā) Vikatākṣa Māta Mandira Unmatta Bhairava Mandira 2nd Milestone: Mahāsatī Mā Bhīmacaṃḍī Mandira Langotiya Hanumāna Mandira Dehli Vināyaka Mandira 3rd Milestone: Rāmeśvara Mahādeva Mandira4th Milestone: Śivapura Pāṇḍava Mandira Draupadi Kūpa Annapūrnā Saṃskṛta…
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SVN 2022 – Milestone Moments

SVN 2022 – Milestone MomentsThe Timeless Timeline of Moments 2022Education / Schools• Babdeshwar Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya marks 38 years in the presence of Pujya Bhaishri Rameshbhai Oza • State Sanskrit Champions – Rishikumars of Sandipani • Pujya Bhaishri welcomes the Gujarat Governments decision to make the Bhagavad Gita a part of the value-based education…
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10 Facts about the Two Sons of Kuber Cursed To Be Two Trees

10 Facts about the Two Sons of Kuber Cursed To Be Two Trees Shlok of the Week 25 – Shrimad Bhagavat – 10.11.1-2 śrīśuka uvāca gopā nandādayaḥ śrutvā drumayoḥ patato ravam । tatrājagmuḥ kuruśreṣṭha nirghātabhayaśaṅkitāḥ ॥ bhūmyāṃ nipatitau tatra dadṛśuryamalārjunau । babhramustadavijñāya lakṣyaṃ patanakāraṇam ॥ Śrīmad Bhāgavata Mahāpurāṇa 10.11.1-2 श्रीशुकउवाच गोपानन्दादयःश्रुत्वाद्रुमयोःपततोरवम्। तत्राजग्मुःकुरुश्रेष्ठनिर्घातभयशङ्किताः॥ भूम्यांनिपतितौतत्रददृशुर्यमलार्जुनौ। बभ्रमुस्तदविज्ञायलक्ष्यंपतनकारणम्॥ श्रीमद्भागवतमहापुराण१०.११.१-२…
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Parikshit’s Journey from Tragedy to Remedy

Parikshit’s Journey from Tragedy to Remedy The Five Fruits of the Shrimad BhagavatShlok of the Week 21 – Shrimad Bhagavat – 10.7.1-2-3 Cravings cause one to be deviated; to cry; and to sin. Śrī Hari’s Kathā extinguishes those cravings and also removes disinterest and a lack of loving sentiments for worship (bhajana). Thus, always imbibe…
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Putana Uddhar – Nandbaba Seeks Refuge

Nandbaba seeks refuge as Putana heads towards Gokul Putana UddharShlok of the Week 20 – Shrimad Bhagavat – 10.6.1-2 ‘The demoness Pūtanā is the personification of Avidyā – spiritual ignorance or lack of knowledge. She has appeared in an attractive and beautiful guise, but her actions are terribly malevolent and wicked.’ #Saprem_Harismaran | @PPBhaishri Nandbaba…
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Nandotsav – Bliss Incarnate

Showing the Pathway to Bliss Shlok of the Week 18 – Shrimad Bhagavat – 10.5.1-2 ŚriKṛṣṇa is Bliss-incarnate. His arrival in Gokula (the gross, physical body) results in a festival wherein everyone attains bliss. Whoever received, shared. Love makes you a giver. Felicitations for the celebrations of Nandotsava! #Saprem_Harismaran | @PPBhaishri The Jubilant Celebrations of…
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Whom to invoke to achieve victory?

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– Shlok of the Week 7 – Shrimad Bhagavat – 1.2.4/5 The idol already exists within the stone. Through the chisel of words and the hammer of the emotions behind those words, Kathā is sculpting both the speaker and listener to manifest the latent Nārāyaṇa within each Nara (man). Complete surrender to this Śrī Kṛṣṇa Kathā…
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