Do our scriptures mention or talk about literacy? What does literacy mean to you? What should we do in this country to turn more people towards true literacy in the current times?

An uneducated person is blind. Ignorance makes one blind despite having eyes. A person who is educated but is hard of seeing can see the world through education. God has given us a body and intellect. This intellect must be developed. Education teaches us what to put in our intellect. In Sanskrit literature, it is…

How can a spiritual aspirant avoid falling from their prospective spiritual goal (yogabhraṣṭa)? साधक योगभ्रष्ट होने से कैसे बचे?

Read in Hindi | हिंदी में पढ़िएRead in EnglishHow can a spiritual aspirant avoid falling from their prospective spiritual goal (yogabhraṣṭa) Yogabhraṣṭa means derailing from the aspirant’s goal in the spiritual path. Yoga is untiitng with God in our aim of attaining Him. According to Lord Patanjali in Yogadarśan, there are eight steps of Yoga. So…

Can Tulsi leaf be eaten during Ekādaśī? एकादशी के दिन तुलसीपत्र ग्रहण करना चाहिए या नहीं ?

Read in Hindi | हिंदी में पढ़िएRead in EnglishI have heard we should not have Tulsi leaves on Ekādaśī. If this is true, what is the reason for this? It is said that on the day of Ekādaśī if you are fasting and eat Tulsi leaves then your fast breaks. Many times, in Kathas, I…

Why does Shiva Linga have a shape if it represents God without form and attributes? यदि शिवलिंग निर्गुण निराकार स्वरूप का प्रतीक है है तो लिङ्ग स्वरूप का आकार क्यों है और इसका क्या महत्त्व है?

Read in Hindi | हिंदी में पढ़िएRead in EnglishWhy does Shiva Linga have a shape if it represents God without form and attributes (niṣkal svarūp)? You explain that the Lord Shiva’s embodied form (sakal svarūp) is with form and attributes while the attributeless and formless one is known as niṣkal svarūp. If Shiva Linga is…

Why should Gayatri Mantra be chanted in the mind only? गायत्री मन्त्रको मन में ही क्यों जपना चाहिए ?

Read in Hindi | हिंदी में पढ़िएRead in EnglishIt is said that Gayatri Mantra should be chanted in the mind only. Even though there are three ways of doing Japa, then why such presumption about it? Please explain. Aharahaḥ sandhyāmupāsita, meaning, a Brahmin must perform Sandhyā (prayers at dawn and dusk) every day. During sandhyā,…

Why do we often see Garudji’s form on the bell used during Aarati? घण्टाजी में प्रायः दृश्यमान गरुड़जीकी आकृतिका रहस्य क्या है ?

Read in Hindi | हिंदी में पढ़िएRead in EnglishWhen we perform Aarati, we often see the is the form of Garudji sculpted on the bell in the hand of the priest. What is the reason behind this? Garudji can be seen from different point of views. Firstly, Garudji is Śrī Nārāyan’s vehicle and the bell…

What is the difference between parā and aparā vidyā परा और अपरा विद्या में अंतर क्या है ?

Read in Hindi | हिंदी में पढ़िएRead in EnglishWhat is the difference between parā and aparā vidyā? Is aparā vidyā necessary to acquire parā vidyā? How is parā vidyā helpful for mental health illness? It is said: dve vidye veditavye parā aparā ca. Meaning, two types of learning must be gained: parā and aparā. Parā…

How can we see God within us? हम भगवानको अपने अन्दर कैसे देख सकते हैं?

Read in Hindi | हिंदी में पढ़िएRead in EnglishHow can we see God within us? God is within all and outside of all. Antarbahiravasthitaṃ There is no place without God, but everything is within God. It is not possible that anything can be outside of God. No existence is possible other than God or separate…

What is the importance of Chaitra month and why? चैत्र मास का महत्व क्या हैं और क्यूँ?

Read in Hindi | हिंदी में पढ़िए Read in EnglishWhat is the importance of Chaitra month and why? What should a spiritual aspirant particularly do in this auspicious month? We have considered Chaitra month to be the beginning of Samvatsara (Jovian Year). It is said that the universe created by Lord Brahma began on the…

Which three strategies would you give to live life? | जीवन जीने की तीन युक्तियाँ क्या है?

Three strategies to live lifeRead in Englishजीवन जीने की तीन युक्तियाँ क्या है? Read in HindiAccording to our Dharma, which three strategies would you give us to live life? In the various religions in the world, not all accept the existence of God. Many religions do not accept the existence of God such as Jainism,…