How can children be less attached on their mobile phones? बच्चे मोबाइल से लगाव कैसे कम करे?

Read in Hindi | हिंदी में पढ़िएRead in EnglishHow can children be less attached on their mobile phones and be inspired to use that time for devotion to God? How can parents support their children in doing so? We hand over our mobile phones to little children. Sometimes mothers are busy with their chores and…

How do we overcome the financial difficulties and depression caused by the current pandemic? वर्तमान परिस्थिति में अवसादमुक्त होने के उपाय

Read in Hindi | हिंदी में पढ़िएRead in EnglishHow do we overcome the difficulties and depression due to financial losses as well as lack of interaction in the society in the current circumstances of the pandemic? This world consists of both joy and sorrow. No one is 100% happy or sorrowful. This world is an…

Did Lord Krishna leave Gokul and run away from his duty of serving His parents? श्री कृष्ण ने मथुरा जाकर कभी भी लौट कर माँ बाप की सेवा क्यों नहीं की?

Read in Hindi | हिंदी में पढ़िएRead in EnglishWhen Lord Krishna left Gokul, he did not return to mother Yashoda and father Nandbaba. The current youth follow this incident and run away from the duties towards their parents. What is the best path and guidance for such youth? How astonishing that youngsters are relating to…

How do we make good use of Rajoguna (mode of passion) in lockdown? | इस वर्तमान समय में रजोगुण का सही उपयोग कैसे करें ?

Read in Hindi | हिंदी में पढ़िएRead in EnglishIn the present time of lockdown, we are in our homes more. So how do we put Rajoguṇa (mode of activity) to beneficial use? Our body is made of these three qualities of nature: Rajoguṇa (quality of activity), Tamoguṇa (quality of inertia) and Sattvaguṇa (quality of goodness).…

What is Brahma Muhurta and what should one do at this time? ब्रह्म मुहूर्त किसे कहते हैं और उसमे क्या करना चाहिए?

Read in Hindi | हिंदी में पढ़िएRead in EnglishPujya Bhaishri, it is said that one must wake up before sunrise and this time is known as Brahma muhurta. So, what is Brahma muhurta? At this time, in Brahma muhurta, after waking up, what should a spiritual aspirant do? This universe is operating in a rhythm.…

क्या दुर्जनों में परमात्मा का दर्शन हो सक्ता है?

सियाराम मय सब जग जानी करहुँ प्रणाम जोरि जुग पानी यहाँ पर जानी है, इसका मतलब क्या दुर्जनों को भी राममय देखा जा सकता है ? गोस्वामी तुलसीदासजी ने तो रामचरितमानसमें सज्जनों की वंदना करी है तो दुर्जनों की भी वन्दना करी है | दुर्जनोंको विभिन्न उपमाएँ देते हुए कहा की उन्हें पृथुके समान समज…

Sometimes if we feel very lonely we feel there is nobody in the world to understand us, nobody to listen to our grief, even God has turned a deaf ear towards us. What then do we do in such depressive conditions? Please guide.

This world is full of dualities.  Happiness and misery, joy and sorrow, respect and disrespect, conveniences and inconveniences all co-exist. The world is a dynamic reality.  Constant change is its distinguishing feature.  Hence, life is subject to constant change.  But nothing lasts in this world. Even the greatest misery shall pass. Until such time the…

Why are Lord Shankar and Parvati considered as the ideal couple? We see many women observing fasts to worship Maa Parvati. I have heard that Parvatiji is the luckiest lady on earth as she is beloved to Lord Shiv. What does all this mean?

In Gujarati weddings, I have seen that when the wedding rituals have taken place and the bride and groom have been declared husband and wife, the other married ladies will whisper in the ears of the newly married couple,”Shiv Parvati nu saubhāgya“, meaning, may you be as successful as Lord Shiv and Parvati in your…

Why did a divine/pious person like Bhishma have to suffer intolerable pain lying on a bed of arrows in the battlefield?

Bhishma suffered such intolerable pain because Bhishma ate food from Duryodhan’s house; meaning, food that was made from wealth earnt immorally. Bhishma knew that Duryodhan was wrong and unrighteous, yet he joined forces with him. Do not earn wealth by unrighteous or the wrong means. The food eaten from such wealth has a hugely negative…